
10 Reasons You Should Invest In Digital Marketing

…..and much more

Every consumer is spending their time online.  Whether you sell products and services online is irrelevant in 2023.  That is where your prospects and customers are.  It is estimated that investments in digital transformation will triple by 2025.  Small businesses owners cannot afford to get left behind.  You should invest in digital marketing sooner rather than later.

Your website is the first opportunity most companies have to tell their customers and prospects who they are.  A comprehensive digital strategy is the opportunity to tell their brand’s story.  An optimized website and well-structured digital marketing strategy is crucial to long term success.  Do not put it off any longer.  And remember, you get what you pay for.  It is important to take the time to do the necessary research and develop a comprehensive plan.  Start your digital transformation today.  Call Motus for a consultation or a second opinion.

invest in digital marketing

10 Reasons To Invest In Digital marketing

  1. Digital Marketing is an investment, not an expense
  2. There are more people online now than ever before
  3. You don’t want to get left behind by your competition
  4. It is the best way to build trust and connect with prospects 
  5. Local Search and “near me” queries on Google continue to grow
  6. Digital Marketing is scalable (you can start small)
  7. Digital Marketing produces measurable ROI
  8. Digital Marketing is data-driven
  9. Easy to pivot and adapt based on metrics
  10. Recession-Proof

Is Digital Marketing Effective For Small Business?

The answer is a resounding yes.  Digital marketing works and It is an essential tool for any and all small businesses.  It is recommended that companies spend between 7-15% of their revenue on marketing.  Digital Marketing is the most cost-effective way to promote your business, build trust, increase brand awareness, and generate new leads. Let an expert develop the strategy before you take any actions.  Then invest in digital marketing and stick to the plan.  The ROI from a digital transformation will follow.

Digital Marketing is an investment, not an expense

Marketing is essential for any company that wants to grow.  It is hard for some small business to justify any marketing budget when it is thought of as a cost.  It is important to realize that digital marketing is not a business expense.  Digital marketing is an investment that pays for itself when done correctly.  A respectable digital marketing agency will meet you where you are.  They will optimize your budget and put the resources to good use.

Digital Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive

You do not need a big budget to invest in digital marketing and get started.  Obviously, a bigger initial investment will lead to quicker results, but starting slow and building your way up is better than not starting at all.  Talk to a reputable digital agency to get started.  Motus can offer a free consultation or second opinion.  Invest in your brand’s digital transformation today.

What Are The Types of Digital Marketing?

1. Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok can be used to increase your visibility, engage your target audience(s) and build trust with consumers.  They say it takes at least 7 “touches” before a potential customer begins to trust a brand.  Utilizing social media platforms is a great way to start engaging with your future and current customers.  The goal is to build relationships and gain lifelong customers.

2. Website Optimization

First impressions matter.  Virtually everyone checks out a website before purchasing a product or a service.  It is said that “a confused mind always says no.”  Your website should be professionally designed and include engaging content.  It should be SEO-friendly with clear calls to action.  Do not skimp on your website.  It is the foundation of any digital marketing strategy.  

3. Email marketing

Contrary to what you might hear, email marketing is not going anywhere.  Building an email list and utilizing drip campaigns is a guaranteed money maker for companies.  Find an expert, and have them show you how to do it. Email marketing still provides a substantial return on investment.

4. SMS Marketing

The up-and-comer in the digital marketing world.  SMS marketing is geared towards the bottom of the funnel activities and has a 98% open rate.

5. Content Marketing

“Content is (still) king.”  Content marketing is more than just blogging.  It starts with keyword research.  Then you must build out content around various keywords.

6. SEO

Search engine optimization is the most cost effective form of digital marketing.  On a high level, it is about determining what your prospects are searching for on Google, and then creating content to make sure you show up.  It is time to meet your customers where they are.  Virtually everyone searches online before making a purchasing decision today so make sure to start your SEO efforts immediately.

Learn To Tell Your Brand's Story

Everyone loves a good story.  Marketing is about making people see your brand the way you want to be seen.  What is your company all about?  What is your company’s “why”?  Find an expert that can bring your story to life online.  Simplify your message and grow your reach. Digital marketing works.

When you begin to tell your story online as part of a data-driven marketing strategy, the results will follow.  Make sure you have a plan for how you will capture those leads and turn them into lifelong customers.  Keep in mind the three C’s of digital marketing.

Three C's Of Digial Marketing

  1. Content
  2. Correct Channels
  3. Consistency

Digital transformation must start with a digital strategy

Digital marketing goes by different names: content marketing, growth marketing, inbound marketing.  No matter what you call it, it is all about communicating with your current and future customers.  Consider the three C’s of digital marketing, then map out the entire customer journey, and make it as seamless as possible.  It might seem very complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.

Digital transformations must start with a plan.  Practicing digital marketing without a plan is similar to driving across the country without Waze.  You MIGHT make it to your destination, but you might not.  Partnering with an expert and coming up with a data-driven strategy is the best place to start.  Digital marketing works.

Things to Do:

  • Establish Specific Target Audience(s)
  • Extensive Keyword Research
  • Competitive Research
  • Market Research
  • Pick Your Channels
  • Create Content
  • Be Consistent
  • The ROI will follow

Once You have a strategy, take consistent action

1. Content Marketing & SEO

Content needs to be the centerpiece of any digital strategy.  Attracting new leads is the goal of digital marketing, and producing engaging and useful content is the only way to start.  Create monthly goals and deliverables, then stick to them.  More content leads to more traffic which leads to more leads.  Take the action and the results will follow.


2. SMM & PPC

Start engaging and connecting with your target audience(s).  Once you have created the content, now you want it to be seen by as many people as possible.  Utilize the power of social media to get your content out there.  Do your research.  Determine who is your target audience before deciding which channels to focus on.  You want to get your content to the right audience at the right time.

3. Turn Your Website into a sales person

Now you have created the content and are starting to reach people through social media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  Now we need to drive them to your website to turn them into paying, lifelong customers.  

Use your content to offer a discount or a value proposition that they cannot turn down.  If you have provided real value, and the prospects recognize the cost of NOT doing business with you then you have accomplished your goal.  Make sure your website is easy to navigate with clear calls to action.

4. Nurture Your Leads

The job is not complete once your audience has shown interest in your offer and started to look around your website.  A lot of people will not purchase something at first.  Nurturing your leads and re-targeting your prospects is an essential element in digital marketing.  You must nurture your prospects with relevant content through the right digital channels.  There are multiple ways to do this, and no one-size fits all approach.

digital marketing small business

Digital Marketing Works

You cannot argue with the numbers.  Digital marketing is proven to provide a substantial ROI when you do your research and stick to a data-driven approach.  It is important to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and algorithm changes.  If you do not have the time to do this yourself, then hire a professional.  It will be worth it for you.  Remember that digital marketing is an investment, not an expense.